Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Gastronomical Bigfoot

Got this from jezebel.com's Fat Chance: A photo of In-N-Out 100x100 Burger from thisiswhyyourfat.com. I can't even image trying to eat all that.

On the upside (or downside, depending on how you look at it), I've only eaten two of the items shown for the month of February: Deep fried cheesecake (so-so) and King Cake (the one shown on the site is the nasty dried-up coffee cake version with a ton of sugar and sugar frosting on top). Neither one I liked (although I do like the filled king cakes - with cherry and cheese, please). And so I can maintain my food superiority and look at horror at the rest of the pictures on the site.

Rated: NSFHC (Not Safe for Heart Conditions)

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