Thursday, February 26, 2009

Damn You Williams-Sonoma For Knowing My Weakness

After writing about my last temptation from Williams-Sonoma, I casually cruised the sale site for the after-Valentine's Day stuff, and I ran across this: the Zarafina Tea Maker Suite.

It's 1/3 off! And every reviewer had awesome things to say about it - and rated it 4 or 5 out of 5 stars. And there are separate settings for different types of tea and the strength that you want.

Damn you Williams-Sonoma! I resisted the hot chocolate maker (which is still on sale btw) since I usually only drink it in the winter. But tea? I drink tea all the time! And the Zarafina Tea Maker Suite looks so convenient. And handy. And is such a cool kitchen toy, er, I mean, tool.

Must. resist. sale.price.

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