Thursday, February 19, 2009

In the Words of Stephen Colbert - "Facebook: You're On Notice."

Facebook, I know you've tangled with your users before. I realize the majority of your users are teens and twenty-somethings with some older people thrown in (and pedophiles who have been kicked off of Myspace). And , as a "free social networking service," you make money by selling ads tailored to the individual user.

I had a birthday last month. I'm now on the down side of 35. But I don't think I deserved the following three ads that showed up on my Facebook home page:

"Meet Elite Mature Men!"
"Face lifts!"
"Look 5 to 10 Years Younger!"

So, Facebook is now telling me I'm too picky and has found Elite men for me to meet? (I don't necessarily think being too picky is a bad thing when it comes to the dating department.)

And, really, I don't think I need any face lifts. I even stated in my "25 Random Things" that I want to grow old gracefully. And it's not like I've joined the "I'm Over 40 and On Facebook" group.

So screw you Facebook. With your judgements about my relationship status, my looks and my life.

I just wish I could quit you.

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