I'm someone who is willing to travel for a movie in IMAX. I once drove 6 hours each way to see
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in IMAX in Houston when I lived in New Orleans (and left the now-ex husband home too). (Hey, Hurricane Katrina destroyed the Aquarium where
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban played. And to paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, "Once you go IMAX, you can't go back!")
I was in training in Houston when
V for Vendetta came out and I organize a group of 10 from my class to see it. I flew to Orlando this summer to meet with the parents after two years of silence to hash out the past, and what was opening that very weekend?
The Dark Knight. On IMAX. Fucking awesome. I liked it so much, when I flew home, I saw it
again on IMAX out in Chantilly at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum a week later. It was that good.
I've got a good history with IMAX. IMAX and I go way, way back. The IMAX Gods have been kind to me.
My point is, I freaking love watching movies on IMAX. So when I first saw trailers advertising Watchmen on IMAX, I drooled in my seat. (And did I mention Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Matthew Goode are in it? I'm dying over here!)
So imagine my disappointment when I looked up my local movie theater (with a newly built IMAX), and found out AMC is NOT SHOWING WATCHMEN ON THE IMAX SCREEN. What the deuce? The local Regal Cinemas and Loews aren't showing it in IMAX either.
Ack! IMAX Gods: You are a fickle lot!
Despite information from
here, the closest IMAX theater selling tickets right now is on the
other side of Baltimore.
If you aren't from here, you don't know the Northern Virginia/Maryland travel rules. The only rule being, if you live in Northern VA, you never, ever go to Maryland. And vice versa. I think it's because people spend so much time on the beltway going to and from work, the last thing they want to do is get caught in weekend traffic on the same bridges. Just like during the week.
Not only am I crossing a bridge and driving into Maryland to see Watchmen on IMAX, I'm actually driving to the far side of Baltimore to do it (and the Northern VA/Maryland travel rule applies to DC/Baltimore, only exponentially so).
All I know is, I may be a movie geek, but at least I don't have to drive 6 hours each way to see it. Unless, of course, there is an accident on the beltway. Or on I-95. Or both.