A place to keep my friends updated because I am too lame to email, write or call.
-Since President Bush took office, the government has doubled the amount of
contracts with industry. The administration paid corporations more than $400
billion last year to work for everybody from the Forest Service to the CIA.-The administration has given the majority of that contract money to
companies that didn't have to compete to get it — or faced only limited
competition.-There are actually more contractors handling the war in Iraq
than American troops.
If I'm listening to NPR and hear part of a story, I click the button, and the Radio Bookmark will mark the story. When I get home and plug it into my computer, the Radio Bookmark will automatically find the story and I can listen to the entire piece.
Pretty cool, huh?
One morning in Maine, John Lawson took a dingy from the island where he and his wife were vacationing to the mainland to fetch the morning paper, and learned that his home and studio were under six feet of water and that his adopted home city of fifteen years was in a state of chaos. It was six weeks before they were allowed to return to New Orleans and sort through their personal belongings. Everything was damaged. From his studio drawers Lawson pulled out twenty-five years’ worth of soaked sketches and drawings. By pulling the paper carefully apart he laid what was still intact onto the porch of a friend to dry in the sun. The piles of photographs though were less salvageable; in some the subject was still discernible, but for most the colors had bled into one another, creating abstractions in brilliant colors, which melted and crept eerily across the faces of family and friends. With these remains, about a third of his life’s work, Lawson began his journey of understanding the disaster that had changed his life forever. In this exhibition we are witness to Lawson’s mourning, healing and ultimate discovery of acceptance and hope.
I've been missing New Orleans for a few weeks now since I saw a friend's photo of the French Quarter in her facebook album. And I hardly ever went into the French Quarter (unless I had an urge for a muffaletta from Central Grocery).
Anyway, I figured this was a small way to reconnect with what I consider my hometown and remeber the city before and after Katrina.
I'll post my reaction and experience to Floodline afterwards.
Here are the four hound-mix puppies. All black and shiny with perky inquisitive faces. Another rescue told me it's very hard taking pictures of all black dogs, but apparently the secret is using a flash at night.
Here are the four shar-pei mix puppies. Sorry about the wiring for the crates in the pictures. I didn't want to risk opening the doors and having the puppies sneak out. There is nothing worse than losing a dog during a transport. It's happened a few times at hand offs I've been to (and once to myself), and every time I practically have a heart attack. A lot of these dogs have been abused or living on the street and aren't used to people. So having a dog slip out of her collar, and then trying to coax her to get near enough to grab her without spooking her is a very difficult. All the while, I'm thinking to myself, "If she dashes, there is no way we can just call her to come back. And she's not from this area and doesn't know any familiar places or people ..." Scary. Oh yeah, the four shar-pei puppies:This is Iris the keeshond. She was adorable although she did not get along with Lily, the American bulldog. Fortunately, there were two vehicles per leg, so we kept them in separate cars. Iris was a pistol and so full of life. You can see it in her face when I took her picture.
I think this is Rain. I didn't drive her on this leg, and I was able to snap a quick shot when the other vehicle showed up and we started to figure out who goes where.
So that was my second transport of the year. I've always wanted to foster dogs, but since I'm already over my limit of pets in the condo I'm renting, and one of my dogs is dog-aggressive, I tried to figure out another way to help. After driving for dog rescues for over a year, and meeting so many beautiful dogs and puppies just waiting for a fur-ever home, I can't justify ever buying a dog or puppy. It's disheartening to realize that for all dogs we've been able to help, thousands are still put to sleep for no other reason than no one wants to adopt them.
Okay. I'm done with my soapbox now.
[Nancy] Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once
said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to
imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury.
8. Friday night there is more traffic coming into the city and leaving the city.
9. Tuesday is a federal holiday!
The Battlestar Galactica Auction, presented by Propworx, is coming to the
Auction Network on January 17 and 18, 2009. Collection includes set plans,
production art, foam core set models, scripts, costumes, ships, props, set
pieces and more.Set Plans and Production Art: Lots 1-81
Foam Core Set Models: Lots 82-91
Costumes: Lots 92-348
Props: Lots 349-626
Set Decs: Lots 627-772
Set Pieces: Lots 785-800
Meris is looking into the camera.
Meris is looking into the camera again.
Jack (right) and Meris (left) while I'm driving to Laurel, MD.
Ending the dog run in Laurel worked out well since I met up with my friend Stephen to see The Spirit. Now, the movie was released on Christmas, and within 2 weeks, the movie was relegated to late night showings at most of the theaters in my area. Not a good sign. A woman at work said that visually The Spirit was good, but the dialog and plot were stupid. With some trepidation, I plunked money down and saw it in the theater.
The best way to enjoy The Spirit is to watch it as a campy, not serious movie. Which I enjoyed immensely. I do have a few beefs. Gabriel Macht apparantly learned from the Christian Bale School of Superhero Dialog and graveled his way through the movie. I also never saw Gabriel Macht without his mask, and after seeing him play Johnny in Because I Said So (Gabriel Macht's character was the only good thing in the movie), I think we should have seen him more with out the mask. Sure, it would have detracted from the movie, but that's just a small wish on my part.
Sunday I had a phone conference for 3 hours, met up with some folks interested in getting a Young People's bid for something started (they decided in NECYPAA) and talked with the sponsor for a few hours.
All in all, a busy weekend, and now I'm back at work. Yuck.