The MBA is finally done. I started two classes for the Human Resource concentration, but when I finished the first class (which covered pay and
benefits in depth) and started the second (job
analysis and designing pay structures), I called it quits. The area I really wanted to study was
probably something like organizational behavior or group dynamics. So I just dropped the concentration and am going with the regular MBA. Which means I'm done! Done! Done! Done! All done! I submitted my application for graduation to the school - waiting to hear back from my Academic Counselor.
Of course, I can't just sit
idly home. I'm moving locally (about 3 miles away) to a house with a fenced in backyard for the dogs. Since Trouble is dog-aggressive (and some people-aggressive), he hasn't been running around anywhere in a while. I used to bring Maggie and Trouble to the dog park at night, but caused a few problems: Namely, 1) this was illegal, and 2) sometimes I ran into other people at the dog park at night. I never had a problem but I figure I was bound to. When I brought the doggies home from the
PetsHotel last time, they gave me a report saying Trouble "loved the individual play time with Maggie." I felt a huge pang of guilt because I knew he doesn't get enough exercise running around. So he should love running around the new back yard.
I'm actually looking forward to mowing the grass and planting some flowers in the front yard. I find pushing a lawn mower back and forth cathartic. Back and forth, slightly overlapping the row from before. I guess I like the orderliness about it.
Anyway, I'm packing up boxes and boxes of books. Seriously, lots of books. U-Haul has these 1.0 cubic foot boxes specifically for books, and I've got 18 filled and about half the books packed. I think I need to donate a mess once I get into the new place. I secretly want a library in my dream home and I've been collecting books in anticipation of that.
Will post more soon! I've done a few more dog transports since I posted last and I have pictures. Lots of cute puppies and one beautiful boxer named Champ.