On top of receiving emails notifying me of potential matches, I have the joy of slogging through emails from eHarmony with articles about "3 Reasons Men Leave Women They Love" and what I can do about it. Here are some more: "The Top Kissing Complaints," "Dating Style: Casual Cool or Polished Sophisticate?" "Single Women: 7 Strategies for Meeting Mr. Right," etc. (All these cam be found at advice.eharmony.com.)
I admit I am torn. Part of me resents the fact that, according to the first article I mention, if a Man leaves a relationship, it was because of something I could control and a result of something I did or did not do. (Which I don't always believe is the problem.) (Unless this happens more than once, then it might very well be the type of man I am picking ... or something like that.)
As for the Dating style piece - shouldn't I dress the way I want too - whatever I'm comfortable with? Sometimes that's jeans and a sweater - sometimes that's a dress and heels?
On the other hand, I can see that perhaps the reason someone has signed up with eHarmony is, for whatever reason, they haven't found a partner yet. And maybe some of the reasons for this is that ... there are some things they can do differently.
But I have to say, my initial reaction whenever I get a "helpful" email from eHarmony with their advice is impatience and disgust. If I want to read one of those stupid articles where the answer to my relationship problems can be summed up and fixed in 5 paragraphs, I'll pick up one of this stupid Women's magazines like Glamour. At least eHarmony hasn't sent me any emails about sex - then I would have to turn to Cosmo for the magazine equivalent.
Introducing Maya
6 years ago