For a few weeks now, Sarah Palin has taken on the role of mud-slinging, name-calling and general voicing of a smear campaign against Barack Obama. Her inciting the crowd at speeches has culminated to shouts of "Terrorist!" "Kill Him!" and such. Now, John McCain is stuck in the position of supporters at his speeches calling out the same things, and John McCain looks decidely uncomfortable. He shakes his head when terrorist, kill him, and etc. are called from the audience, and he is now in the position of correcting people asking questions about how fearful they are of the "Arab."
How much of this fear-mongering of Sarah Palin's is helping John McCain? I don't know, but any respect I have for him has evaporated as John McCain is in the unenviable position of reigning in his Vice-Presidential candidate and correcting his own supporters.
Introducing Maya
6 years ago